Registration (2/2)

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Have your say as a consumer !


Register in a few clics

Registering to opinizy is really easy: first you just need to fill the form above and then to go to your e-mail account to activate your membership. Anything you need is written in this welcome e-mail. You will just have to confirm your e-mail address and to tell us about you through the profiling questionnaire. And that’s it !

And of course, registering is free and without any obligation.


Sharing your ideas and opinions

Once registered, you would regularly be contacted by e-mail to take part in online surveys. These would allow you to make your ideas heard and to shape the product and services you would like to use tomorrow.

You’re totally free of participating or not to our studies, from your computer, tablet or smartphone. Sharing your opinion becomes easy, anywhere you are and whenever you want!

Redeem gift cards

In addition, making the difference will also permit you to earn rewards ! Each time you take part in a survey, to thank you for participating, you will win a reward on your account.

Then you’ll have the possibility to redeem your rewards by receiving an Amazon gift cards or a paypal payment. So, are you in ? Then don’t wait anymore, try opinizy and make the difference !

Sharing your opinion while smiling
Express the ideas you want brands to build
Consumer sharing ideas
Giving your opinion is as simple as taking a picture